Why Choose Sellchology for your Automotive Sales Training?

How is Sellchology Sales Training different from the training you’ve tried? Consider these 7 reasons:
- I teach how to sell through psychology. A manager or salesperson who understands WHY something works is more motivated to do it and can adapt a technique to their selling style.
- I teach principles and strategies. The benefit of learning a principle is that it can be applied in more than one way while still being extremely effective.
- I still sell cars! Visit my YouTube or Facebook pages to see how I demonstrate the effectiveness of my methods by greeting customers, closing deals, taking incoming phone calls or doing TO’s.
- Because I’m in dealerships every month, my training content is fresh and practical. It addresses the challenges of the current market and teaches salespeople how to relate to today’s consumers.
- With 14 years of experience in the automotive industry, I have a proven track records of helping sales team increase sales and profits.
- My training style is educational and fun! My clients learn effective selling and marketing strategies in an engaging environment.
- I love what I do! Selling is a great profession and my mission is “Saving the world, one salesperson at a time.”
Jonathan Dawson
Sellchology Sales Training Founder/President
(866) 769-8083 • info@sellchology.com